Eric Van Dornshuld

Department of Chemistry
University of Georgia


I am a computational chemist with a wide variety of research interests. I was trained under the direction of Prof. Gregory S. Tschumper and have adopted the mantra of “getting the right answer for the right reason”. Consequently, I enjoy finding small molecule systems I can apply accurate, convergent quantum chemistry methods to.

Lately I’ve been interested in classroom effectiveness and creating online teaching content.


  • PhD Chemistry, University of Mississippi, 2014
  • BS Chemistry, University of North Florida, 2009

Years Teaching


Years of Teaching
Students Taught


Students Taught


Pageviews (since 2020)

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From Brooklynn Knowles (S’24)
Evening study session in the library (S’17)
Last day of class (S’24)
New haircut (S’20)
Study session in the library
MSU SMACS Christmas Card (F’19)
From a student
Study session in the library
Dornshuld plushie (S’24)
Chemistry II (S’17)
Vision Magazine 2023
Study session in the library
Wordcloud of evaluations
SMACS ACS ChemLuminary 2019

Website traffic since 2020